Friday, March 25, 2005

FEC Proposal Part IV.

You may find the FEC proposal here.

On page 34 lines 1-14 appear to be loosening a restriction on independent volunteer internet activities. The language is murky. . . .if an individual acting independently incurs no additional cost in creating a website that contains express advocacy of a clearly identified candidate, at least some portion of the underlying costs of creating and maintaining that website is an expenditure under the Act and must be reported if it exceeds $250 in a calendar year.(Draft Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Internet Communications. Page 34 lines 1-5)

Then the document goes on and revises this policy. It appears this is the rule right now and this FEC commission wants to repeal this and as long as the work is voluntary and occurs via equipment and services the volunteer has normal access to (public library equipment, personal equipment etc) then this type of work should no longer be counted as a contribution. Like I said the section is not written very clearly and I am giving you my impression of what it is driving at.