Friday, November 04, 2005

January 2005's Greatest Hit.

TABOR should be implemented in Wisconsin. It should contain limits based on population and the CPI instead of linked to growth in personal income. It should contain a provision to build up a $1.billion emergency fund to be used to close future budget deficits or to spend on other emergency (let us say a signficant [sic] terrorist hit on Miller Brewing or similar) [emphasis added] any funds in excess of the $1.00 are promptly returned to the taxpayers. Local governmental and educational units have similar caps placed upon them as well. All taxing authorities can appeal by referendum to exceed the caps, but barring such appeals and emergencies (of a truly awful nature, e.g. terrorist attack, or other such large scale disaster) no exceptions.

Yes, yes, yes. I know we are supposed to trust our elected officials!
Our whole system of government is built upon a HEALTHY mistrust of government, TABOR would be yet another check & balance upon government taxing power in Wisconsin.

There are way too many Republicans who treat the tax dollar as an entitlement. One famous GOP line of attack has been to call the Democrats "taxers & spenders" unfortunately that line is not really working anymore. Republican legislators are often tax-cutters and spenders thereby giving tax-cuts a bad name.
Source: Blogger Beer - A mix of crazy and not so crazy. January 18, 2005

Hehehe, a hit on Miller Brewing would be a disaster, remember Miller Brewing brews Leinenkugels. The blog above was inspired by a MJS editorial noting how a $711 million hole gap in the budget. Of course the MJS knows of only one way to close a budget gap and that is to increase taxes.

The year In Blogger Beer continues here at a time near.