Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Danish Cartoon Row.

Back in early October I noted this story.

Some of the cartoons are to be found here and here is my favorite.

This story is really picking up some steam. The Danish newspaper finally has apologized but the Muslims want apologies from the Danish government and none appear to be forthcoming. To add to it all a Norwegian paper has republished the photos and it appears papers from all over Europe are starting to republish them as well.

Saudia Arabia and Kuwait have set up boycotts of Danish products here and as expected death and bomb threats are being issued. Apparently the EU is now getting involved since the boycott of Danish goods is by defn a boycott of the EU. Wretchard at the Belmont Club has a good blog on the current state of affairs:
Europe discovered how to recognize shame all over again, but it was not the shame which the fatwa issuers had envisioned. Now the choices before the global Jihad are as follows: up the ante and humble Europe in its entirety or back down and eat crow. If they push forward the likeness of Mohammed will probably be plastered on thousands of newspaper and Internet websites before the week is up. It's a no-win situation for the Islamists which no one -- not the Danish cartoonists, nor Ramussen, nor Muslim clerics, nor even the startled Europeans themselves -- could have predicted.
Source: The Belmont Club - I am Spartacus

Wretchard likens the publication of the cartoons to a minor assassination in the early 20th century. Not a big story by itself but one that sparked a chain of events that led to big things.