Monday, July 04, 2005

"Summertime Going To Come & Go My Oh My!"

Another 4th of July has come and gone.

This one wasn't too bad nor was it real good, pretty mediocre. The wisdom teeth coming out have a lot to do with it. Last night we went to the Appleton Fireworks show and it was good but my jaw was aching pretty good and that ache spreads to nearby areas so I have a soar throat and headache to boot. I left my powerful pills at home (not supposed to drive with them) and for whatever reason refused to take my garden variety meds. Of course when it was done, everyone was on the move so it was wait while traffic millimeters along.

Well, it is better than work so...

(Moments after publication & capping of the title). Neighbors don't seem to understand tomorrow is a work day and they are still shooting off roman candles with reports. Again, a unsoar head would make it more tolerable but....