Monday, October 17, 2005

Further Unraveling in The DeLay Case .

Via The Drudge Report.

AUSTIN - Travis County prosecutors admitted Friday they lack physical proof of a list of Republican candidates that is at the heart of money-laundering indictments against U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay and two of his associates.

The list is key to prosecutors being able to prove that corporate money that could not be legally spent on Texas candidates was specifically exchanged at the national level for donations that legally could be spent on Republican candidates for the Texas House.
Source: The Houston Chronicle - DeLay's prosecutors lack a key document (They don't have list of candidates at the heart of the laundering case, just a 'similar' one)

More and more this case comes to resemble abuse of prosecutorial powers by a rogue DA.

This is the sort of thing our founding fathers sought to prevent, the abuse of governmental office to squelch ones political opponents. Our campaign finance laws have now become so dark, twisted, and confused is there a candidate or an office holder anywhere not in violation of some law? No wonder why ordinary people are not keen on running for office.