Monday, October 17, 2005

Happy Monday.

Another busy weekend. Sunday was very nice I made my first attempt at barbecued beef brisket. It tasted good but was too tough, however, when served and cut up it yielded a veritable swimming pool of yummy juice. So, I believe my general approach was good and further research indicates the need for marathon barbecue sessions (at very cool temperatures) and time for a marathon barbecue session I did not have.

The NFL results favor me for a change. How about the Bengals! They keep doing it.

The weather was fantastic, while it depresses me for the skiing aspect the money we save from not running our furnace balances out the sadness of bad skiing weather.

Reports have the Iraqi Constitution passing and the Sunni vote was not overwhelmingly negative. No matter what happened, it was an important event. A nation deciding what is a very important question not by who can apply guns & bombs the best but by debate, compromise, and voting. Terrorist violence while not absent was minimal. Another round of cheers for the Iraqis!

However, our Mainstream Mastadons are ignoring this brilliant success or are characterizing it as bad news.

More bird flue chirping. Are you tired of this? I get the feeling the Mainstream Mastadons are trying to build up the bird flu, so if it does flare up in the future and cause problems for large numbers of people they can run around and scream I told you so, but Bush was too busy with Iraq to pay attention to a genuine threat. Of course if they are wrong and nothing major pans out or it is contained everyone will forget.