Saturday, October 01, 2005

More Leftist Calls for Violence.

First we have plays calling for violence against President Bush, then t-shirts, then art, and ad-naseum.

Recall sometime ago the story about an IndyMedia poster calling for the start of the revolution and he said he kicked it off by murdering a police officer? Idiot on two counts, first for murder and then for bragging about it on a website. Then we have Error scAmerica (Air America, Air Ameriscam) having an advert which suggest violence against the President.

Now LGF finds this post at The Daily Kos. Now, every site that allows comments and gets a large number of visitors always has a few of these types of kooks LGF not excepted. However, the idea the left may get violent is very plausible.

The language of the left and the Islamo-utopianists are getting more and more indistinguishable as time goes on. The left needs a modern day Moses to lead them out of the wilderness before they do get violent on a large scale.

The left isn't in a state similar to the Right was in the late '60s and '70s their fight looks more like a '50s fight. With the objectivists vs. the Birchers vs. the Buckleyites. Unfortunately for the Left it looks like the side winning is more kooky than the Birchers.