Tuesday, October 04, 2005

An Open Blog To Representative Mark Green.

Dear Representative Green,

Rest assured I am a constituent of yours. I have written to you many times via USPS and via e-mail. I have helped with Appleton lit drops with the Outagamie County Republican Party that included your campaign literature, I am a supporter and voter of yours.

A friend forwarded me the following note (she must be on their mailing list just for opposition research, she is rock-ribbed Republican) from MoveOn:
Tell the staff member who answers that you are a constituent and something like the following.

I heard that Rep. Green took money from Republican leader Tom DeLay's PAC. I urge him to return the money in order to remove any question about the nature of the contribution. Associations with Tom DeLay create the appearance of corruption in our elected officials. I would like him to return the money and please send me a letter explaining his position on this issue.

We encourage you to speak from your heart about this issue when you call-don't feel bound by our suggested script. The person answering the phones should ask for your name and address so they can send you the letter.
MoveOn mass e-mailing.

Representative Green you have NOTHING to be ashamed of from your acceptance of money from Tom DeLay's PAC. MoveOn, Ronnie Earle et al have everything to be ashamed by the abuse of public office to get a political opponent of theirs.