Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Nuevo Orleans.

HTs to Jerry Bader of WTAQ & Wizbang.

"How do I ensure that New Orleans is not overrun by Mexican workers?"
Source: Undocumented immigrants flock to jobs on Gulf Coast

Who said that? I will not answer at the moment but keep reading.

The Gulf Coast is very attractive to immigrant workers both legal and illegal. Now, when someone steps up and complains about illegal immigrants how they depress the lower end of the wage scale, how the unchecked flow of them endangers national security the scream of racism is usually heard.

For example, we all know what the Mainstream Mastadons and the leftists think about The Minutemen. However, do you know who said that quote above? Chances are you have not heard about it.

Conditions are rough but the work needs to get done. Our history shows similar situations, lumberjacking for instance. Conditions were rough and life was difficult however those lumberjacks who saved their money instead of throwing it away on booze, gambling, and carousing during the summer went on to great fame and fortune.

BTW that quote was uttered by Mayor Noggenhead Nagin of Nuevo Orleans.