Friday, February 03, 2006

The Left is so Stuck in the Past.

Over at Pajamas Media in addition to featuring my blog, they feature on by David Corn entitled: The Mother of All Downing Street Memos?
Channel 4 News in England is reporting on the existence of a January 31, 2003 memo that recorded a discussion between Bush and Blair, during which Bush raised the idea of orchestrating an incident in which Saddam would fire on UN reconnaissance planes and, thus, give Bush and Blair cause to attack Iraq.
Source: David Corn - The Mother of All Downing Street Memos?

Wow, David. The decision to war against Saddam and the Ba'ath Party of Iraq was final over 2+ years ago. How about moving on? How about some constructive criticism of the current situation? Nope, we are stuck in the past.