Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Poor Boy.

Ted Rall is considering filing a slander lawsuit against Ann Coulter. HT: Michelle Malkin.

Poor Ted, Ann said something nasty about him, a nasty guy. Ted Rall is the guy who called Pat Tillman an idiot, said Ronald Reagan was probably turning a toasty brown shortly after the President's death and while the article I link to refers to him as a liberal it is pretty clear his ideology is way left and probably wraps around and gets close to the whacky right.

Ann Coulter quipped there were only three entries in the Iranian Holocaust Cartoon Contest submitted by Gary Trudeau, the New York Times, and by Ted Rall. Gary Trudeau is ignoring the comment, no comment from the New York Times and Ted Rall is clueless. According to The Editor and Publisher report, Mr. Rall conducted a survey asking what to do and asked for donations for the slander suit filing fee.

According to the story Rall says:
"A lot of people are fed up with how Coulter has turned slandering liberals into a cottage industry and want to see her held to account. I'm actually fairly overwhelmed by the response -- more than 300 pledges, many in the $20 to $100 range."
Source: Editor and Publisher - Ted Rall Says He Might Sue Ann Coulter for Holocaust Cartoon Remark

How rich is that? A lot of people are fed up with how Coulter has turned slandering liberals into a cottage industry and want to see her held to account. Someone from the looney left whining about how the right slanders those on the left? By those standards one would think Rush Limbaugh would sue Al Franken, but of course Rush just laughs it off, something the likes of Rall are constitutionally unable to do.

Anyway Ann's response is what one would expect from Ann.

Anyway I have seen children with thicker skins than Rall.