Tuesday, April 04, 2006

News Manufacturing.

NBC News decides to help the manufacturing economic sector in the upcoming months. Read Michelle Malkin's website for the complete details found in two e-mail blasts sent out supposedly by a production member of NBC Dateline.

Essentially, they are going to find two Muslim men to attend a NASCAR race. The men will be rigged for sound and film ready to catch all the 'necks insulting and humiliating and in general discriminating against them.

Why? Of course, to show how hostile America is to Muslims. What is really funny is Muslim women are stepping up and volunteering for this job and guess what? Another note came out and basically said they might consider women for the job. Hehehehehehe good one, good one!

I have an idea. Next time NBC has a big gathering why don't we send in a couple of conservatives wired for film and sound?