Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Story

A Story from the Twilight Zone

Sue & Jeff are sitting at home one afternoon and there is a knock at the door. They open the door and a smartly dressed man greets them and presents to them a box. Sue asks the man what is in the box and the man says nothing. Jeff laughing asks the man, "Well, why then are you bothering to come here and give us this empty box?". The man explains, they can have the box for one week, if they open the box they will receive $100,000.00, but the act of opening the box will cause someone to die. Sue asks, "Who?" the man says "Someone totally disconnected from you, you do not know them, you have never have even come close to meeting them. So, I will be back in one week either to give you the $100,000 or to collect the unopened box."

Sue and Jeff spend their free time arguing about the box. Of course, the $100,000 is tempting, they can pay off a bunch of bills and have money to take a nice vacation. The day before the man is to return for the box, Sue and Jeff decide to open the box. They open the box, the next day the man comes and delivers the $100,000 to them. On his way out, Sue asks what is to become of the box? The man says "I am going to deliver the box to someone totally disconnected from you, you do not know them, you have never have even come close to meeting them.".

A very interesting and, yes, extreme story. However, I fear we have just opened the box with this election. We have been promised or lead to believe we have been promised benefit at the expense of others, that is never a good or just thing. After all, there is the YouTube video of the Obama supporter raving how Obama is going to pay for her to live w/o cost (to her).