Saturday, February 05, 2005

Marquette University's Putrid Decision.

The MU controversy is getting quite a bit of attention! Michelle Malkin and Wretched over at the Belmont Club mentions it alongside the CU story about Ward Churchill. Wretched is again outlining the fact that some types of speech are more protected than others and it is leftist speech that is preferred on campus.

Lucas over at Wild Wisconsin has a Marquette University College Republican press release talking about the affair. The Badger Blog Alliance has an example of how MU is working with a double standard.

I have viewed Iraq as a car wreck along the roadside. France, Germany, Russia and others drove by looked at it and kept on a truckin. The US and the UK stopped to aid the survivors, that is the UK and the US are the good Sarmaritans here. Come on MU quite aiding and abetting the terrorists.