Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Bill Moyer's Apology.

Bill Moyers once stated that James Watt did not give a hoot about protecting the environment because Mr. Watt believed Christ's Second Coming was imminent, so why bother. In fact Mr. Moyer's quoted Mr. Watt as publicly saying After the last tree is felled, Christ will come back.

Now, when confronted about this Mr. Moyer's noted he was wrong and has since apologized to Mr. Watt:

I said I had made a mistake in quoting him without checking with him," Moyers told E&P today. "I should have done my homework.

The problem now though is that unlike cows, his words can not be rounded up and put back in the barn. Forever more we will be hearing this silly story about James Watt, it must be true after all Bill Moyers said it.

Hat tip to Tim Blair!