Thursday, March 03, 2005

Madison Connection.

One of our local legislators called last night. We had a discussion about Blogger Beer and they looked at it last night. They (the legislator and a couple of the legislator's staff) then informed me they would try to feed me some inside info from Madison.

The two items they were keen on calling attention to were Voter ID and Health savings accounts (AB 4) which is currently in the senate. As we know Governor Doyle has promised to veto the voter ID and so we need to contact Governor Doyle (IN A RESPECTFUL MANNER!) and ask that he NOT veto the voter id bill.

It seems Governor Doyle does not want us to have access to tax free health savings accounts either.

The AB-4 passed the assembly on pretty much a party line vote with a couple of Democrats dissenting, so it is apparent the leftist line is against the bill and I see no reason for the Governor to break ranks on this one. If my understanding is correct this bill would create state income tax credit for medical expenses which are federally deductible or exempt from taxation.

We need to make some (polite) noise on this one!