Thursday, March 24, 2005

More Post Crescent Opinion Criticisms.

The next two letters fall under the same heading so I tackle them together.

Here is the link the to the full letters which I will only quote in parts.

The first letter comes from a man with a terminal illness. While he has my sympathy and prayers he must know Terri's condition is not terminal it is just inconvenient because her continued life keeps money from Michael.

One important issue here is people who can’t let go, and thus subject their daughter Terri, to something most people wouldn’t wish on anyone. I’m sure they mean well, but keeping her alive just may be selfish. Terri is alive and this is a repetition of night is day. Sir, your condition is terminal and you have made all due preparations for your fate. Your situation is completely different. Terri is not terminal and is only in that state by a deliberate act, the act of starvation.

The second note:
Regretfully, Ms. Schiavo’s heart-wrenching plight has been exploited and manipulated to such a horrific state that it has become very difficult for any of us to define the quality of her existence. Yet every shred of credible medical evidence emphasizes the impossibility of her recovery from such a state.

Again the grip of the MSM on this case. Doctors with differing opinions, nurses who have sworn they have seen evidence of abuse, have seen evidence contrary to the MSM line are not allowed to tell their stories. Death with dignity yes, but when its time has come. In this case death is being deliberately brought on.

I assign eight-ball status to neither of these readers since I do detect a level of sincerity and seriousness of argument that Mr. Calder throws over the side like a pail of garbage. These are people who think they are acting in the best interests of Ms. Schiavo and not trying to use Terri to denigrate his political opponents.