Thursday, March 31, 2005


This story: Pope's 'Living Will' Wants Life Support to the End HT: The Drudge Report.

What a weaselly worded story!
The ailing Pontiff sharply narrowed Catholic guidelines for treating patients nearing death in March 2004 when he described tube-feeding as a normal treatment rather than an extraordinary measure that can be stopped if all hope of recovery fades.

So the headline makes it look like the pope wants the tube pulled but in reality he does not (and the story eventually gets around to that). This is doubly so now feeding tubes are now considered to be extraordinary measures.

Last night on a story about the Pope getting this tube in a fit of sarcasm I shouted "Pull the tube! Pull the tube! Starve him! Starve him!" Claudia did not get nor try to get it. I will have to point this story out as this is exactly what it is doing!

  1. Code level alterations to my quote style. 4/2/2005 7:05pm
