Today's Drudgies
- OIL FALLS TO $50.50... Hurray!
- PAPER: Vermont Congressman Paid Wife And Stepdaughter -- Just Like Delay... Tch-tch-tch! Do we think he will get any grief for it?
- Wis. Residents Seek Legalized Cat Hunting... This is NOT correct. Cats will lose their protected species status.
- Woman Who Claims She Found Finger In Chili Won't Sue WENDY's... What a shocker!
- Soccer match ends in chaos; Angry fans throw flares... & Italian hooligans on rampage... I recall seeing a soccer game from Italy once. One whole section was a giant brawl between the police and UK soccer hooligans. At least here in the USA we don't riot until after the game.
- Army Reservist Charged in Mex Border Detention... No Minuteman connection.
- WEBSITE SELLS 'KILL BUSH' T-SHIRTS... & Secret Service Investigating Art Exhibit Featuring Bush... Isn't it ironic how the left responds to such secret service inquiries. They directly call for violence against the President of the United States of America. There is no mistaking what they are saying and then they hide behind the skirts of the First Amendment when questioned. Of course when someone from the Right condemns a judge's decision we now expect the left to take this as threatening violence. What idiocy!
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