Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Sunshine in the Valley.

Good Morning,

It sounds like it could be a busy day both on and off the blog.

Jerry Bader on WTAQ this morning referenced an Appleton Post Crescent "Its Your Call" call and it sounds like we have an eight-ball award to give away today! Hurray!

Also of course, is the promised but undelivered blog on just war. Once again Michelle Malkin provides quite a bit of material on which I can expand upon. I see Little Green Footballs has blogged the details from a debate in The Netherlands.

To sum that up very quickly it is about a debate between two men, on the leader of an Islamic group the other of "A small Dutch Christian party". During the debate the Islamic leader essentially takes a cue from Nikita Kruschev at the UN. No shoe banging but the rhetoric is along the very same lines.

  1. More bloggetary on Michelle Malkin blogs

  2. Just Wars

  3. A Possible Eight-Ball Award, Commentary for Sure

  4. Possible commentary on the LGF blog

  5. As It Comes

  6. The Last Bit

Have a good one!