Friday, April 22, 2005

Jonah Goldberg's Column.

Can be found at:

Let Cookie Monster Be Cookie Monster

Social engineers go way too far.

Jonah has a knack of taking bits of seemingly silly pop culture and seeing the deeper meaning of those bits as they relate to our culture. He did this with a National Review cover story on the movie Groundhog Day a couple of months ago and does so again with The Cookie Monster.

His critique matches the general right-wing critique of multi-culturalism very well. Too often the diversity mongers view diversity in terms of shallow traits. The old saying of beauty is just skin deep comes to mind, in the case of most diversity mongers diversity is only skin deep. They will talk all day long how diversity makes us stronger but when it is suggested this diversity goes beyond skin color, accent, and preferred foods boy do they get worked up.

Anyway back to Goldberg. He starts off by referring to yours truly (well not really, I never wrote Meditations some guy with my name did! ;-) )
Since my copy of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is in storage, let me explain by paraphrasing Hannibal Lecter's famous dialogue with Clarice Starling in Silence of the Lambs.
Source: National Review Online Jonah Goldberg - Let Cookie Monster Be Cookie Monster Social engineers go way too far.

His money quote is:
In fact, that's what makes this decision so hypocritical. Sesame Street normally drenches kids with "be true to yourself" pap and identity politics. In one episode, Elmo and Whoopi Goldberg (no relation) have a long talk about how they'd never want to give up, respectively, their skin or fur color because that would be changing who they are. Well, the hue of Elmo's fur is less essential to his identity than Cookie Monster's gluttony is to his. Rosita, the Hispanic Muppet, is often told not to be ashamed of her accent because that's just a part of who she is. Maybe they should ditch it, in the name of good diction. Heck, maybe the kids in wheelchairs should get up and walk next season because we're all in favor of kids being able to walk.
Source: National Review Online Jonah Goldberg - Let Cookie Monster Be Cookie Monster Social engineers go way too far.

That is true diversity is more than skin deep!