Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The Last Bit.

San Francisco - April 6, 2005

They are known as the Red Revolutionary Guard (RRG) and they are patrolling the outskirts of San Francisco. Mayor Oldmany describes them as vigilantes who are taking the law into their own hands while San Francisco resident Mark Xist calls them heroes. What is the RRG doing and why?

They are patrolling the outskirts of San Francisco to keep Republicans from entering their leftist enclave. Len Insky leader of the RRG says "This inflow of Republicans is a menace to San Francisco and its way of life. If too many of them enter, they may force a vote to lower taxes and to allow cheap coffee into San Francisco. We will not stand for this!" Mayor Oldmany disagrees "This is vigilantism and people should just allow the police force and our border patrol to keep Republicans from entering San Francisco. Why just the other day a member of the RRG went into a Church expecting to find Republicans. He spoiled a trap our border patrol had setup, completely ruined it!"

Doug Fir a member of the tiny minority Republican community worries about what will become of his fellow Republicans if apprehended by the RRG. There are rumors they will shoot any Republicans they find trying to enter the city illegally, but I know better than that, none of them know how to handle a gun much less shoot straight. No, I think they have a much worse fate lined up for them." When asked about this Len Insky was asked what will happened to apprehended Republicans he said "Nothing too bad, we will send them to reeducation camp, force them to watch All In the Family morning, noon, and night until the wisdom of Rob Reiner comes to them. For the incorrigible we have a set of Noam Chomsky lectures they will have to listen to. Then we will send them back to Jesus-land!" The San Francisco Humane Society is protesting this treatment of apprehended Republicans and will be filing suit to stop this. When the ACLU was asked why the Humane Society instead of them, their spokesman said, "You really honestly believe we are concerned about Republicans?"

Doug says this confirms his worst fears about the plans of the RRG. He sighs and says "There's not a whole lot to be done, I just hope my Republican friends stay happy in flyover country, Lord wonders why they want to come here. Perhaps they want to see the bridge?"


  • 8:55 pm 4/6/2005
  • Blogging is going to be light tomorrow as we have to go to Milwaukee for a daytime appointment. Do expect to blog some later on but not a lot. Good Night.