Monday, April 04, 2005

San Francisco: Home of Political Control of Blogging.

There are many reports about the blogosphere today about San Francisco talking about regulating blogs. So the San Francisco bloggers have two fights on their hands. The first one is the federal attempts to restrict blogging (yes yes I know my reports indicate the commission does not want to do this but I fear it and we have to be vigilant against it) and the local attempts to restrict their first amendment rights.

Them dang conservatives in San Francisco! Well sure they are conservative, don't all leftists treasure free speech? Oh yeah, only for themselves.

Here is a bit of the SF regulation one finds at the Belmont Club
"any communication, including but not limited to any broadcast, cable, satellite, radio, internet, or telephone communcation [sic], and any mailing, flyer, doorhanger, pamphlet, brochure, card, sign, billboard, facsimile, or printed advertisement, that: a) refers to a clearly identified candidate for City elective office or a City elective officer who is the subject of a recall election; and b) is distributed within 9 days prior to an election for the City elective office ..."
