Tuesday, February 07, 2006

O'Reilly Tonight.

Bill O'Reilly had a couple of guests on tonight to discuss the cartoon conflagration. One was a journalist from Denmark and the other was the author of some book.

The author of some book whined about how we (i.e. The USA) was going to have to clean up Europe's mess again and whined how the Danes should not have published the cartoons.

A quick recollection of the timeline of the cartoon conflagration and another story just coming to light point out how silly the commentary of the author of some book is.

The cartoons were published in late September early October of 2005. From early fall until about one week to two weeks ago the story was pretty much kept to Denmark (the blogs noted this IIRC I noted the story in early to mid October) and Denmark alone. What stoked it to a conflagration? Imans from Denmark who toured the Middle East pushing the heck out of the story and it appears contrived their own blasphemous cartoons to boot.

He parroted the usual line about how this is a great recruitment tool for the terrorists. Yawn. Why is it just the terrorists who are always galvanized into action? Works both ways. Most people see the cartoon conflagration for what it is, an attempt by Middle Eastern countries to coerce speech and policy in the West.

Some have noted the most serious rioting and protests have gone on in Syria and Iran and the note if a protest is happening there then you know the governments approve. Some believe this is an attempt to intimidate the West into backing off on nuclear issues and on issues of concern to Syria.