Saturday, April 22, 2006

Can I Stand It?

Cinque... dieci.... venti... trenta... trentasei...quarantatre

Oh how terrible! I just brought up Real Player 10 and am listening to a performance of Le Nozze Di Figaro, it is still in the first act of the opera. In fact, Susana is informing Figaro of the reasons the count gave them such a prime room, not too far from the Count's suite. Hehehehe.

The overture for this opera is remarkably like any other you have heard. Without knowing it was a live performance I would assume (by the overture) the opera was the same recording I have, but once the overture was over you could tell by the applause of the audience and the vocals clearly give it away.

What? You don't like classical music in general and opera specifically? Give it a try, I should post some pieces that the average person typically likes if they listen. Also, Mozart's operas (with one or two exceptions) are comic and have a lot of catchy tunes and arias (pieces sung by characters).