Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Who You Calling an Anti-Tax Extremist?

Earlier I commented on a Bruce Bartlett commentary. Here is Wikipedia's entry on Bruce Bartlett. In his commentary Mr. Bartlett use the phrase anti-tax extremists. He then tries to tell us the loaded language he uses is not intended to describe the positions.

If I were Mr. Bartlett I would be careful using the phrase anti-tax extremist:
In January 1977, Bartlett went to work for Congressman Jack Kemp (R-New York) as staff economist. Bartlett spent much of his time on tax issues, helping to draft the Kemp-Roth tax bill, which ultimately formed the basis of Ronald Reagan's 1981 tax cut. Bartlett's book, "Reaganomics: Supply-Side Economics in Action" appeared in 1981 (New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House Publishers). He also co-edited the book The Supply-Side Solution (Chatham, NJ: Chatham House Publishers, 1983).
Source: WikiPedia &3150; Bruce Bartlett
That is, Mr. Bartlett may with some fairness be called one of the original anti-tax extremists. I may be fairly called a part of the group Mr. Bartlett is calling out. However, I do not want a Hillary in power and if that means voting for Giuliani or (better yet) McCain then I will. However, it does "moderate" (lets reciprocate here, wishy-washy or even better yet RINO) Republicans no good when they choose their words poorly.

Rudy Giuliani did this lately sounding much like Howard Dean. Even when put into proper context the words do him no good.

I am convinced a goodly number of the people Bruce Bartlett refers to are perfectly willing to give the likes of Rudy Giuliani a shot, if they feel their views on cultural matters receive the respect the candidate feels their views deserve. Rudy has me wondering about that.

In the end I do not view conflicts over culture and policy as separate; they may be separate conflicts but they are part of the same struggle.

Virtue is liberty's oxygen, without virtue liberty is soon to die.

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