Thursday, March 13, 2008

Stand By Their Man

A lot of people are wondering why Mrs. Spitzer stood with Mr. Spitzer as he confessed to marital infidelity to the nation. Many supposed she should be out looking for a divorce attorney.

For shame for shame. Mrs. Spitzer decided to stand by her man. I salute her for that, the cynical say she is hoping to caboose onto bigger things for herself. Yeah, perhaps and so what? Marriages are about giving support and boosts to the other. The vow husband and wife swear to each other is for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, till death do us part. Mrs. Spitzer takes her vows seriously.

At the end of Mozart's Le Nozze Di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro - a story that eternally rings true) Count Almaviva (Elliot Spitzer) finds what he thinks is Figaro messing around with the Countess. Count Almaviva immediately is angered and starts looking for weapons and summoning witnesses. Then the true Countess (Silda Spitzer) reveals herself dressed in Susanna's clothes (Figaro's wife) and it is revealed that Susanna is wearing the clothes of the Countess. The Count is humbled and begs for the forgiveness he was just denying to the woman he thought his wife and to Figaro.

Susanna: Perdono! Perdono! Pardon! Pardon!
Count Almaviva No, no, non vo' darlo!. No! No! I will not give it!
Figaro: Perdono! Perdono! Pardon! Pardon!
Count Almaviva No, no, non vo' darlo!. No! No! I will not give it!
All: Perdono! Perdono! Pardon! Pardon!
Count Almaviva No, no, non vo' darlo!. No! No! I will not give it!

After the ruse is revelead:
Count Almaviva: Contessa, perdono! Countessa, Pardon!
The Countess: Più docile io sono, - e dico di sì. I am gentler, and I grant it you.
see: this site for the complete lyrics in Italian and the English translation.

Eliot Spitzer's life has been only No, no, non vo' darlo! and when he needs pardon he gets Più docile io sono, - e dico di sì.. How fortunate he is. God Bless you Silda Spitzer and may your loving forgiveness teach your husband a lesson.

I do not suppose her a doormat, I suppose the atmosphere in their home is tense and will take time to ease, I do not suppose either of their roles are easy right now.

Anyway in celebration of mercy and love here is the final scene of Le Nozze Di Figaro:

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