Monday, April 04, 2005

Oh Canada!

Have you heard yet? There is a big deal going down in Canada at the moment (big deal for political junkies).

Captain Ed at Captain Quarters is the main force behind the story.

Apparently there is a commission investigating charges of scandalous corruption. The charges center around allegations that the Liberal Party in control of the Canadian government used governmental money to hire advertising firms for next to no work, then some of that money found its way back to the Liberal Party. A judge in charge of investigating this case has banned the publication of testimony from three key individuals.

Unfortunately Captain Ed has sources within the investigation and is releasing the details of this testimony! The Liberal Party was planning on snap-elections before the news was released and out but it seems too late. The story is getting out.

The Canadian Government has now banned Canadian websites and bloggers from linking to Captain's Quarters. Some have toed the line others are boldly stepping over it.

In my opinion this is a very good thing. Government is supposed to answer to the people and the plan to hold snap elections before the release of the information is nothing but contempt for the people of Canada.

If you are from Canada I urge you to visit Captain's Quarters to see what is going on. Hold your government accountable! This is not a matter of faulty intelligence but outright corruption and theft of your over-taxed dollars!