Thursday, April 07, 2005

The Pathos of the Inner City.

Is only getting worse.

A particularly troubling symptom is when a young man is killed by an old man in self defense, the Grandmother of the dead man can not find it in her heart to blame the old man who pulled the trigger. See my previous blog about that. I am not down on Grandma but on a world where kids act like this as a matter of course.

How has the inner city just fell apart like this in two generations? More and more government programs are not going to do anymore than they have done over the last 30-40 years. We keep throwing money at the problem hoping just a few more dollars will help us turn the corner; but, the corner never comes. In fact it is my opinion throwing dollars around our nation has only makes the problem worse.

No amount of money is going to fix this problem. The problem lays in a system that refuses to believe in truth. Why not beat the old man? I need the car and who are you to tell me what is right and wrong? In the land where the truth does not exist and freedom is absolute the strong take what they will from the defenseless.

May God forgive young Kendall L. Moss and the man he was beating.