Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Post Crescent Letter Fisking!

There I used the word! I am going to fisk a letter found in the May 3, 2005 Appleton Post Crescent edition.

Letters: U.S. policy in Iraq doomed as Vietnam

For 40 years, I have been teaching that history repeats itself. Admittedly, I haven’t always been right, but as I reflect upon the U.S. involvement in Vietnam and now in Iraq, I recognize similarities.

We simply cannot interfere in other country’s affairs when we don’t agree with their internal decisions.

Now, we find ourselves in a situation that doesn’t promise any way out. Much of the world sees the U.S. as invaders, not liberators.

"I haven't always been right" Hmmmm, sounds like he wants to keep up a streak here! Is that all Saddam was about "internal decisions".? Iran? Kuwait? Funding Palestinian terrorists and suicide bombers. Wow! We too also invaded territories of Japan and I do recall an invasion of Germany. Why don't see any reference to that? How many people saw all sorts of similarities between Afghanistan and Vietnam?

Heres the rest of the letter.
For 40 years, I have been teaching that history repeats itself. Admittedly, I haven’t always been right, but as I reflect upon the U.S. involvement in Vietnam and now in Iraq, I recognize similarities.

We simply cannot interfere in other country’s affairs when we don’t agree with their internal decisions.

Now, we find ourselves in a situation that doesn’t promise any way out. Much of the world sees the U.S. as invaders, not liberators.

Doesn’t anyone remember our anger when the Japanese invaded the Philippines and Aleutian Islands, which was U.S. property in 1941? Is it surprising that many countries, especially Muslim countries sympathize with Iraq and hate the U.S.?

How often have you heard the president use the term “coalition” indicating support the U.S. has in the Iraq war? Except for one major country, England, can anyone supply a list of any major countries in this so-called coalition?

Has anyone given thought to our reaction if a foreign country had invaded the U.S. to free the black people? And while you’re thinking about that, include the American Indians, whose land was confiscated, leaving the Indians to live in concentration camps politely referred to as “reservations,” as that seems to have a better ring.

Yes, I support our armed forces, but not the decision of the one who ordered them to invade Iraq, a country that is of no immediate threat to the U.S.

Our casualty list numbers more than 1,500 killed and 10 times that number wounded. Iraqi casualties are estimated to number about 100,000.

Thomas Jefferson said that democracy only works when there’s a literate society. Iraq’s literacy rate is only 40 percent. Moreover, Islam is not in total accord with the ideals of democracy.

Who are we to tell Iraq what form of government it should have?

Support for Iraq is great all around the world except for a couple of rogue nations. Mr. Damon confuses support for the normal Iraqi and support for the terrorists. The world wants a better Iraq some in the world do not, they want an Iraq they can rape and pillage and the names of one of those is Osama and another is known as Abu Mussab Zarqawi.

The scary thing about this is the letter comes from a former history teacher. I am glad he is a former history teacher!