Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Blue on Blue.

Little Green Footballs watches and waits as Markos "Screw Them" Moulitsas Cunninglingus (whoops, that is Zuniga) countsdown to the launching of his plan.

What plan? Who knows, but he is promising to take down the Democratic Leadership Comittee. Whooo-hooo! They are going after their only shot to win the presidency in 2008. Blue on blue!

What has the DLC ever brought us?
A two term president!

Okay, aside from a two term president what has the DLC ever brought us?
A chance at winning votes.

Okay, aside from a 2 term president, a chance at winning votes what has the DLC ever brought us?
Somewhat reasonable rhetoric.

Okay, aside form a 2 term president, a chance at winning votes what has the DLC ever brougth us?

gotta love it!