Wednesday, November 08, 2006

More Blogger Beer Fodder.

Is what Kagen's victory means.
"Let's stop pointing fingers and really start to join hands and begin to solve our problems," Kagen said.
"The hocus-pocus days of the current presidency where he will spin the rhetoric and try to deceive us have come to an end." Kagen said. "No more slogans until we get the job done at the gas pumps, until we reverse global warming, until we are sure everyone has a living wage. We must find a way to guarantee access to affordable health care for everyone."
Source: JS Online - Kagen wins; "There's a doctor in the House"
Well, I have more material to fisk with Kagen in office now.

I love this speech, start off by stating "Let's stop pointing fingers and really start to join hands..." then go off and start ripping the other side, which is what he does by saying "The hocus-pocus days of the current presidency where he will spin the rhetoric and try to deceive us have come to an end." Real uniting.