Friday, April 08, 2005

Fr. John Corapi Makes an Interesting Comment.

I am sitting around working on developing a style sheet for my NEW Bayanihan website. Every now and then I get up to look for the CSS reference I bought no clue where it is. I bet you though when Claudia gets home she will know where it is. Yesterday I was looking for some paperwork and I could not locate it. I thought it lost and gone forever. Wrong, Claudia knew exactly what pile it was in!

God Bless Her and her organized mind! I need a kick for not placing that paperwork where it belongs.

Anyway I have WJOK Relevant Radio on and Fr. John Corapi is sermonizing about virtues. When talking about fortitude he made the following comment and I paraphrase: Dead bodies float downstream with the current, only the living are able to swim against it. It takes a living and active mind to swim against the currents of our culture. I thought it was a very striking way to put it.