Friday, April 08, 2005

Sunshine in the Valley!

Good Morning One, Good Morning All!

I hope your night's sleep was restful.

This Friday the 8th of April in the 2005th year of our Lord appears like it will be a free-blog Friday. Nothing to place on the agenda. I guess the only thing I want to discuss is to comment on a blog by Michelle Malkin. She discusses again the level of discourse that the left considers to be debate.

Other than that take it as it comes!

Have a good one!

BTW it appears blogger is still messing itself. I hit the button to do a spell check and I get a "document contains no data" I hit publish I get "document contains no data", I hit "save as draft" and I get "document contains no data". I usually have to hit one button or the other many times until Blogger actually does something about it.