Tuesday, April 05, 2005

More Follow up on Al-Pazeera's Pulitzer.

A reader left a comment on my late post on Al-Pazeera's pulitzer winning photography which I place in the mainstream of my blog.

Gaijin Biker notes thusly:
I have a breakdown of the AP's Pulitzer-winning photos by content here.

My findings:

* U.S. troops injured, dead, or mourning: 3
(2, 3, 11)
* Iraqi civillians harmed by the war: 7
(4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 18 )
* Insurgents looking determined or deadly: 3
(6, 15, 20)
* US troops looking overwhelmed or uncertain: 3
(7, 12, 14)
* US troops controlling Iraqi prisoners: 2
(16, 17)
* Iraqis celebrating attacks on US forces: 2
(1, 19)

Equally telling is what the photos don't show:

* US forces looking heroic: 0
* US forces helping Iraqi civillians: 0
* Iraqis expressing support for US forces: 0
* Iraqis expressing opposition to insurgents: 0

Gaijjin Biker offers some more comentary at his blog site. Check it out!