Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Itty Bitty Teeeny Weeny Tiddy Bittys.


Don't want to spend too much time blogging on any particular thing for the moment just want to push out a few quick thoughts.

Bye-Bye Apryl!
Over at the Badger Blog Alliance I blog on a going away party for a rock solid Outagamie County Republican Party volunteer. The event was not sad but it is always hard to say goodbye. Good bye Apryl and hope our paths cross again!

Watch This Case!
If you are a regular reader of Blogger Beer you have been made aware of the happenings with the Aragoncillo spy case. You will have to watch carefully and closely as the Mainstream Mastadons are going to keep this one hush-hush. First they can not use the story to heap scorn, ridicule, and poll dropping weights on President Bush, but because "This story is not so much about a "spy in the White House" -- although it is about that -- as much as a look into the kind of effluent that washed up in Washington in 1999."Source: The Belmont Club - Spy in the White House. This story before it is over is going to see the extradition of some big shot Filipino political leaders to the United States perhaps a former president.

RSS Feeds
After hours of monkeying around I finally got a functioning RSS aggregator on my system. This will help improve the quality of the material here. I can scan wider numbers of blogs and other such sources without having to download graphics and a sites full content. Headlines and excerpts, if I see something I am interested in I can go the site via my web browser for the full content. I am pumped about this, less time reading more time writing!

Appleton Yacht Club.
The going away party was at the Appleton Yacht Club. Never been in there before and it was small but nice. Nice!

Stem Cells
Steve Wieckert tonight spent some time talking about a project Apryl and he were working on. It was to get the word out about umbilical cord stem cells (UCSS). There are real live and working therapies being used to treat cancers and blood disorders with UCSS, but the problem is most people only know of embryonic stem cells. Steve and Apryl were working on getting some PR for the real live and working treatments. I brought up the case of the juvenile diabetes researcher who is doing some promising research with adult stem cells and gets shut out of some research foundation because she does not use embryonic stem cells. Steve knew of the exact case. Owen at Boots & Sabers talked about that one as well. Thanks to Owen for helping me look smart! On the shoulders of giants as they say.

The Most Moving Speech Tonight.
Was from Jo Eggelhoff. She reached deep into her heart and the heart of God to express what Apryl's service has meant to so many people.

Good Night & God Bless.