Friday, April 08, 2005

From the Freedom of Speech for me, But Not for Thee File.

HT Little Green Footballs.

This has to do with the promise to provide some commentary on a Michelle Malkin blog as the blog I note on LGF refers to the instigating matter. Apparently there is a new acronym used by bloggers STFU and it means Shut The F... Up.

Kevin Drum tells the bloggers he opposes to STFU. This then set off a commentary chain that smears Michelle with really sophisticated talk like Michelle reported sometime ago.

LGF found the following comment on Kevin's blog
STOP THE HATE! WE NEED TO SHUT DOWN HATE FILLED FASCIST BLOGS LIKE MALKEN AND LGF. Hate speech is agains the law! The Internet is PUBLIC property! We need to shut down these hatemongers along with Bushco Rovian whores like Instanpundit. WRITE YOUR CONGRESSPERSON OR SENATOR TODAY! FAIR REGULATION OF THE INTERNET!
Posted by: STOP THE HATE! on April 8, 2005 at 9:06 AM
Source: Little Green Footballs: The Ugly American Left

BTW the mistakes in this blog are verbatim and I will not add sic to them as it would probably increase more bandwidth on Blogger's part and on your part.

Now undoubtedly Kevin will gripe the postings of his readers do not reflect his opinion but this does not stop Kevin and his fans from using comments left on LGF to smear Charles Johnson.

In addition I find it highly ironic the self-appointed guardians of free speech want the government to jump in and squelch Michelle and Charles. Whatever happened to free speech? Another fine example of "free speech for me, but not for thee" coming from the left. This is not criticism this is a call for censorship.


  • 4/08/2005 12:53pm
  • I state: ...does not stop Kevin and his fans" I do not know for a fact if Kevin has ever trashed Charles Johnson for the comments left on LGF. I apologize for what could very well be an overstatement. I retract the statement as it relates to Kevin and Kevin alone. However, as far as his readers go I mean generally those on the left and many leftists have used the comments on LGF to bash Charles, that is not in dispute.