Friday, April 08, 2005

Mae Magouirk

Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit has picked up on the story.

He states thusly:
FEW THINGS WOULD MAKE ME LESS ANXIOUS TO OPEN AN EMAIL than the subject heading "Another Terry Schiavo Case!" But if the facts recounted here are accurate, this Georgia case involves a non-comatose, non-vegetative woman being denied care in express contravention to her living will, which means that it's not really another Terri Schiavo case at all. I hope it will get sufficient attention to get to the bottom of this.

In a narrow sense he is right, apples to oranges. In the broader sense he is incorrect the Terri Schindler case was not about the life of just Terri but about the lives of the weak and the innocent and how we treat them.

I believe our nation got so worked up over Terri I think people are tired and do not want to dust off their feet and into another similar fight. This is sad.

Fr. Rob Johansen at Thown Back is on top of this case.

His latest blog states:
It becomes clearer and clearer: what many among us really want is not for these people to "have their wishes respected", or to "die with dignity". What they want is for these people — the sick, the aged, the disabled, the inconvenient — to just die.